Questions & Answers for TNT Express Worldwide - Brunei and Muara

Here you will find questions & answers for TNT Express Worldwide. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or BruneiYP users.
Wher is my parcelfrom indonesi ?
No. ********
Where is my parcel with consignment no.********
Where is my parcel? It was delivered and signed in 9 dec. Why hasn't it arrived to me.
Consignment number ********
Can you please explain why my parcel is stuck in customs and has not been delivered by the 22 nd May as promised when I paid for delivery? The tracking details have not been updated since the 21 st May and no explanation has been given for the delay. The birthday date had been and gone. Very disappointed and trust you can deliver this parcel today.
Consignment details
Account number ********
Tracking number TP-********_1

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